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Annabelle Strawberry Basket

3,80 21,80 

Strawberries, along with blueberries and spinach, also have up to twenty times the health-protective power of other foods and are at the top of the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) scale as defined by scientists at the USDA, the top U.S. authority on food quality.
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Annabelle is a re-blooming strawberry variety with large size, abundant and constant production. Fruits are rather large, medium to round in shape, with a sweet flavor and fragrant, juicy texture, excellent for fresh consumption, but also for making compotes and jams. A rather vigorous variety, it fruits abundantly from May onward and reproduces by stolons.

  • Prefers sunny areas. It withstands drought well.
  • Re-flowering.


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Vigorous and hardy plant, undemanding in fertilization. It is the re-blooming strawberry that can cover the entire production period (spring, summer, fall), adapting plants according to the planting period.


Good taste quality, sugary, low acid, with a distinct aroma. Regular fruit of large size (25/30 grams average weight).
Bright blood-red color. Firm flesh.


The strawberry possesses many healthy virtues: first of all, it has a very high antioxidant power that exceeds 20 times that of other foods and a rich vitamin C content compared to citrus fruits; that's why the strawberry ranks high in the special USDA ranking of foods that keep you young. But that's not all: it is also very rich in calcium, iron and magnesium and is recommended for those suffering from rheumatism and cold diseases. It is also particularly good for fighting cholesterol. Strawberry also has a high phosphorus content and is used for its laxative, diuretic and depurative properties. Strawberries are also good sources of ellagic acid, which is an effective anticancer agent. They are also refreshing, diuretic, depurative and detoxifying. Finally, they contain xylitol, a sweet substance that prevents the formation of dental plaque and kills the germs responsible for bad breath.


0,25 kg, 0,5 kg, 1 kg, 3 kg


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